Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas from our family to yours: 2011

Christmas-time is ALREADY here again... And I (Troy), am writing this a little behind schedule again, but, ‘just in time.’ I’m so thankful that our Lord Jesus has promised to be our strength, peace, joy, and provision. We’ve just come through a season of BIG change in our family - our son is recovering from Neuro-surgery in October, I’ve just accepted the ‘call’ to Lead Pastor our church in Pacifica, Pam just resigned from her full-time job (to a part-time one) at our campus school, and we may be moving sometime this spring. Even though many ‘swirls’ have been all around us, our gracious God and Savior has held us close and ‘at ease’ in and through each ‘patience-growing’ situation.
         I realize, as I write this, that our family is not alone in the big and little changes of life. I’m sure your family has gone through your own share of difficulties and blessings this year as well (if we haven’t heard from you yet, drop us a call, email, or note to bring us up to date on things 8*D). It’s our prayer, that you will be given the ability, from God, to ‘seek and find’ The Savior Jesus Christ during the busyness and mundaneness of life in this coming year.
         The Truth of the Bible continues to be lived out all around us, whether we have come to believe in Jesus and follow Him or whether we are still ‘seeking to find’ Him.
God has created us, in His image, to know and love Him forever. Yet, each of us, has tried to live without Him and has ‘missed the mark’ of His holiness. Our sin has separated us from the loving friendship that He created us for. And there’s nothing we can do about the situation ourselves. We’re doomed!
Thankfully, God, in His BIG love for us, sent His only begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth - born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit - to walk among us. Jesus lived fully as a person and fully as the Eternal God, yet did not try to live on His own or miss the mark of God’s Holiness - He lived without sin! He lived, ate, laughed & cried, ached, and loved, just like us, so that He could really understand our situation. But He also obeyed the will of God our Father and willingly paid the penalty of our sin & rebellion by dying in our place - His shed blood cleared our ‘bad credit’ before a Holy God. And then, He raised Himself from the dead - after being in a sealed tomb for three days - to prove to the whole world (and the ‘underworld,’ as well) that only He is worthy of our worship, because only He is Truly God. Our Triune God was careful to reveal this Truth to us through the inspiration and the careful translation of the Bible into our own language - to be read and understood by each of us - in real time & space history. 
As we’ve lived in the San Francisco Bay-Area for the past nine years, I’ve become familiar with all kinds of interesting thoughts about life, love, politics, & family, etc. But none of these interesting ways of thinking are as credible as the Truths I’ve come to learn, experience, and be changed by as found in the life and teachings of Jesus in the Bible. I believe exclusively in Jesus, because there are no others like Him. I believe He is the only way to the Father because HE SAID He was the only way to the Father. His life and teaching are exclusive because He was revealed to real people in real history as the Real God sent to really rescue us. All other teachings and belief systems fall short of Him, not because I believe in Him, but because of who He is and how He lived.
         It’s our prayer, as a family, that you will consider Jesus this Christmas. Read the story of his life and think about it deeply with a curious mind and an open heart. And perhaps the Lord will ‘let you find Him as you look for Him’ as He did for us. Or perhaps He’ll surprise you with His love even if you refuse to look, as He has also done at times for us. Either way, may you grow in the knowledge of God this year. May you look for the God, Who is there, and find that He is not silent, but silently waiting for you to hear His voice, and turn to follow Him.
         We love all of you (sounds trite, I know), and look forward to hearing from you this coming year. Please visit us - we live only 15 minutes from the San Fran airport and can see the Nor-Cal Beach from our front balcony! Blessings to you and your family as you celebrate Christmas together...

Troy, Pam, Caleb & Emily

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One Good Book just leads to a Complete Works for me nowadays!

So a friend of mine from College Days told me long ago that Francis Schaeffer was one of his favorite Christian thinkers/philosphers/theologians. Back then, I'm not even sure I understood what he meant by what he was saying (I'm a confirmed LATEBLOOMER...).

 Nowadays, once again - in middle-life - I've stumbled into the writings of 'one who has gone faithfully before' and I've been blessed; both by godly wisdom and sovereign timing.

The BIG THING I'm learning from my new 'mentor' is that "There is an infinite, yet personal, God Who is (really) there. He is here and He is not silent. He HAS spoken in time/space history and he continues to speak. And the Revelational Truth we have received from Him (scripture) is 'TRUE-er TRUTH' than the 'truth' that mankind is able to discover through observation (history), experiment (science) or finite thinking (philosophy).

As a result, Biblical-Historical-Christianity is not merely AN answer, or even the BEST answer...

it is the ONLY sensible answer, because it is TRUTH.

Real Reality... True Truth... and Livable Life... available right here and right now, only through Repentance and Faith in Jesus Christ... to the Glory of God the Father... through the Work of the Holy Spirit!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


all big and round
white-ish and slick
don’t touch your tongue, or skin will stick
this ice, though it has been shaped, is still very cold

the Sun’s warming waves
make melting sport of their effects
until all is shrunken, distorted and reformed
into life-giving liquid

this movement is natural,
when the Sun is out

- TDJacobson 12 mar 09

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Just Let Me Love Jesus...

So... after two years of Grad School, various papers on all manner of Theological, Historical, Practical Ministerial areas of interest and assignment, it all still just comes back to Knowing and Loving Jesus more and better and then Loving people like He did. It's still so simple...

Lord Jesus, please just let me love you as my first love again. Sorry that things have been 'cluttered' for so long... I just want to rest in You and abide in You and be Yours, first and best... Sorry I've let so many things and so many people 'toss me about' for so long! Spirit of God, could you, would you... take me back to where I once was...? Simple faith, trust... Simply believing, simply trusting, simply Yours?

I'm thankful for all You've given me... thankful for all I've learned... yet I STILL long to 'live in Your Presence' and to love others as if they were You, Yourself here.... Lord, please turn Your ear to me and 'hear my cry... for I am weak' and weary and STILL needing You... only You!

I would have my little ones learn of You through my life... my love for You... I would have my wife and kids and extended family and friends learn of You through me... daily. May You be lifted up in me and through me (or if need be, inspite of me).

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord... My Rock and My Redeemer!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

King David...

Sometimes doing what God wants...

means running from cave to cave, sleeping on rocks and singing laments.

means holding on to God with 'white-knuckled' faith - until God does within us
that which He's been doing in us.

means trusting in God
- that He will absolutely finish the things He promised Himself
He would do in us and through us -
before He thought of creating us.

Faith, Love and Hope to you...

In Jesus,


Thursday, April 17, 2008

This is my Gospel...

Remember Jesus Christ... raised from the dead, descended from David.

This was Paul's gospel handed down to his 'son' in the Lord, Timothy. Don't you love it when phrases 'shape' your world? I'm not talking about 'bumper sticker' religious slogans... I'm talking about 'truth' that 'slices...' 'cuts deep...' penetrates our being!

Jesus was right in saying that "People do not live by food alone." We live, exist, 'find reason to continue on' because we 'get life' from the 'words' of God.

Truth doesn't fix everything... but it feeds our souls and keeps us going!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

God's Word is vast...

I just finished a 'sermon brief' that covers eleven verses in the Book of 1 Thessalonians, chapter Five. I've copied, diagrammed, syntaxed, and translated the verses from Greek into English (as best I am able at this 'front end' of my knowledge of the language) in no less than about 30 hours. And I am still 'just scratching the surface' of my understanding of these verses in their Literary, Historical, and Theological contexts. I could probably spend the next six years of my life on a Doctoral Thesis about these verses and still feel overwhelmed by them!

Oh Lord, my God... How unsearchable are your thoughts, how vast are your imaginings. How is it that you even think of us, much less love us and 'bleed' for us? How amazing to think that your 'Blazing Glory' came near to us through the Incarnation of Jesus. How mysterious that transcendent Divinity would/could 'taste' of humanity and become 'her' sacrifice? Lord God... thank you, thank you.... thank you.